Memo to Upper Management
At management’s request, I have adopted a more corporeal form of information recording and submission. Please find below transcriptions of my notes regarding past and current project participants, as well as observations on various facets of the Rooms and their efficacy.
I would also make a formal request to curtail the staff’s use of the nickname, “Bob”, when addressing me. This was a concession made for the limited speech organs of our subjects.
Yours in service,

— Repository —

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Welcome back Roomies, now I know what you’re thinking…. How many times can they traumatize me with trains!!!! But to be fair… he didn’t actually get on the train this time… he was just train adjacent following a child to his unlikely demise. Moral of the story…. Don’t trust children. With that being said… I’d … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Welcome back Roomies, did you have a fun tour of the graveyard last episode? You know they imposed a curfew for a reason… really it’s to keep the ghouls in at night. But I’m glad to have you back with us celebrating another horror as we take a long walk towards this week’s episode, ‘All … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Good Morning Roomies… Wait..hold on. You’ve got a little something on your face. Oh… it’s blood. *cough* Anyway… This week we had a chance to sit down and chat with author Samantha Mayotte, as we followed her graveyard tour — learning along the way what drives her inspiration and character development. Plug in your headphones Roomies, and … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Welcome back Roomies. Now now… take a deep breath for me. Thats it… lets get some color back in those cheeks. I know the perils of space can be rough, but I promise – after that last episode, our next room will feel like a breath of fresh air. This week we had a chance … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
So…. you wanted a third option… I see the way you’re playing the game Roomies. Always up for the unexpected huh. Well I can’t let you derail the project can I. Let me throw another story your way and see if you’re ready to take this one on! This week we are sitting down with … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Happy New Years Roomies! As 2020 comes to a close, we’re hoping the clock that counts down to 2021 doesn’t just tick down the seconds to December 32nd… but then again, thats the kind of torture the rooms provides. (As far as torture from the rooms goes, we’ll just have to keep our fingers crossed … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Happy Holidays Roomie… collect all your stray matter, take a towel and dry off from that dip in the pool. It’s almost time to enter your next door. Lets dip our toes into another week and a new episode of yule-tide terror. As we sit around the roaring fire, roasting chestnuts and being merry, we … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Good Morning Roomies… dust the ash and ember off your clothes from the last harvest and have a seat. It’s story time again! Get your blankets and gather round. You know what story-time means for The Grey Rooms… *cue thunder and lightning, drapes dramatically flapping in the windows*… Mwahahahahahaha! *cough* Anyway… We had a chance … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
…And just when you thought we were down for the count, here we are again… another week is coming in swinging, and we are ready to dive head first into another room. How are you doing Roomies? Surviving? Starting to feel more at home in the Manor? I’m sure Alma wouldn’t mind making us a … Continued