Memo to Upper Management
At management’s request, I have adopted a more corporeal form of information recording and submission. Please find below transcriptions of my notes regarding past and current project participants, as well as observations on various facets of the Rooms and their efficacy.
I would also make a formal request to curtail the staff’s use of the nickname, “Bob”, when addressing me. This was a concession made for the limited speech organs of our subjects.
Yours in service,

— Repository —

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Ready for the next door Roomies… I don’t know if you’re ready yet…. You don’t know exactly what we have planned, and we’ve got some holiday goodies for you. First lets peek behind the door with author CA Greene as she talks about her Season 4 story, ‘One Year.’ GR: Welcome back CA! You’ve been … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Roomies….The doctor will see you now! Follow me to exam room 2, take a seat and let’s dive into our second episode of Season 4- I hope you don’t have any cavities or you might get sick from DI Russel’s new twisted tale, “Smile.” You never know what might be found under the plaque. But … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Give me a G.. G! Give me an R.. R! Give me an E.. E! Give me a Y… Y! You know what we want! Grey Rooms!!!! Welcome back Roomies…. and Happy Holidays! Season 4 is officially 4 episodes in and this week we’ll be bringing you the first four author blogs as you revisit … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Happy Halloween Roomies…. *cue thunder claps, demons cackling and other halloween noises* (… this is what you get when we’re used to making audio content.). Welcome to our second preseason story of Season 4! We’re kicking off Halloween with Arthur Unk’s ‘Dead Air’ playing across the airways. So tune in Roomies, take a seat, and … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Welcome back Roomies…. It’s that time of year again. As Management gears up for the launch of Season 4 of The Grey Rooms, they let us get a sneak peek at the horrors to come with our first preseason episode. A twisted double-feature showcasing two mouth-watering tales; ‘Convenience Shopping’ by Mark Towse, and our tortured … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Welcome back roomies… it’s been awhile since we’ve let you out of a locus. Time to shake it off, take a breath and settle in as we prepare to talk with the next prisoner… *cough*… author in our season 3 line-up. This week we sat down with author Tori Miller, to talk about the horrors … Continued

Behind the Novella – Nana
Nana – a novella by Mark Towse (from D&T Publishing), pre-order live on Amazon, Friday 5thMarch. I’ve always been fascinated by the elderly generation. On the odd occasion that I stayed at my Grandad’s house, he would present me with a can of cola and a Mars bar from the lounge cabinet. I remember the … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Welcome back Roomies, feeling lovey after that last episode? We had to put together a little something special together for you for Valentines Day- don’t say we don’t know how to romance our listeners. But we’re glad you escaped her clutches and are back to celebrating another horror as we aim to set pace and … Continued

Behind the Door Extended Edition
Good Morning Roomies… Did you find what you were looking for? If not you’ve stopped in the right place to learn about our next author! This week we had a chance to sit down and chat with author CM Peters, about our lusty new episode- So plug in your headphones, and tune into this week’s … Continued