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Behind the Door Extended Edition

An Interview with N.M. Brown

Welcome back Roomies. Now now… take a deep breath for me. Thats it… lets get some color back in those cheeks. I know the perils of space can be rough, but I promise – after that last episode, our next room will feel like a breath of fresh air. 

This week we had a chance to sit down and chat with author N.M. Brown, and learned about the inspiration she sees in her children, and the fear she captures as we dive into this week’s story ‘Nolan” 

GR: Welcome to The Grey Rooms, we are loving all of the new blood this season. ‘Nolan’ has been such an unexpected story for us to work on, have you been writing for a long time?

NMB: I dabbled a tiny bit in high school, but started writing seriously in January of 2019. 

GR: We love being able to support and welcome new writers into the industry- What got you into writing? 

NMB: Therapy got me into writing. My first story ever posted to Reddit’s NoSleep forum was actually a marriage counseling exercise. 

GR: The NoSleep Podcast- saving marriages through horror! I kid, but we do love the folks over at NoSleep. I think it’s safe to say you’ve always written horror then?

NMB: I’ve always read and written darker pieces. Writing horror helps me not take my life for granted and appreciate the blessings around me. 

GR: I like the blessing in that- it’s not too bad, things could always be worse — just look at these poor people who raised a cannibal! Lol, having that sentiment can lead you down some fun paths filled with trauma. What would you say is your favorite kind of horror?

NMB: My favorite kind of horror is definitely psychological horror. I love stories that plant seeds that hatch in the reader’s mind long after the story’s been read. 

GR: I think ‘Nolan’ could lend itself to that idea well- I know when I go back and reread that story I’m always catching new clues or hints along the way. How did that story come to you?

NMB: I take inspiration from everyday life with my children. Sometimes I’ll have a fear or worry, put it down on paper and watch it take a life of its own. 

GR: Life imitating art eh-? That fear is a very real thing- I know i’m terrified by my own children almost every single day! How has it been listening to ‘Nolan’ now-? What is it like hearing your story produced as a podcast episode?

NMB: It feels surreal. Hearing someone bring breath to an idea that at one point only existed in your mind is an amazing feeling. I really love it so much. 

GR: That’s a sentiment we hear with a lot of authors. It’s fun bringing their stories to this new medium and bringing them to life- What would you say to other authors just starting out who are looking to submit to a show like ours?

NMB: Absorb yourself in your craft and genre. Watch movies, listen to podcasts and read, read, READ. Study other author’s writing styles, POVs and perspectives. The more you study and practice, the better you’ll be. 

As for The Grey Rooms – Think of the most terrifying way to die, and assign it to someone else. Curse a character with your worst fear and let us fall in love with them. One of the most important things in audio production and writing in general is to develop your characters well. If we know nothing about them, we aren’t likely to care what happens to them much. Each death should be a gut punch. 

GR: I agree with you there- I think the stories that deliver the most horrific blows to their characters, always leave the deepest impact with the readers.  What projects are you working on now?

NMB: I am currently working on my first novel, Forsaken Grounds, due to come out towards the end of the year. 

GR: Well we wish you the best with your novel, we know how much of a beast those can be.

Thank you again N.M. Brown for taking the time to sit down and chat with us, and we hope to hear more from you here in The Grey Rooms.


N.M. Brown

God is Good, God is Great