The Grey Rooms Presents: The Psalms of Samantha #1-12
Join us for a special compilation episode that chronicles the misadventures of a young woman in search of a decent place to sleep at a most peculiar hotel. The light is on, won’t you stay the night?
This compilation recaps the events happening to Samantha Winters in The Grey Rooms Season 2: the Hotel, episodes #1-12. Samantha is the main protagonist of our season narrative story which appears before each main anthology story in every episode of the Grey Rooms Podcast.
S2E1 – “Welcome to the Hotel”
Meet Samantha Winters, our main protagonist for Season 2. You might be thinking, “I already know about Samantha Winters, she’s the one who killed Jake Stone in the preseason.” And you’re right. Jake finally found his missing person and she left him to die on the floor. Is this the reason that Sam is now in The Grey Rooms? What other horrible things has she done to deserve this place?
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
The Warden performed by Jason Wilson
S2E2 – “This is my Life”
Samantha Winters must make a choice and enter a second room, in a bid to understand where she is and why she must continue to “pick a room” as requested by the person at the front desk named Bob. Can she find a way to escape? New memories are beginning to surface, and these recollections are making Sam question if she even has a place to escape to…
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob and Alex performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Samantha’s Dad performed by Paul Arbisi
Jackie performed by Allison Brandt
Beatrice aka “B” performed by Crissy Wilson
S2E3 – “The Man at the Bar”
Samantha finds herself alone in the hotel lobby for a moment, before meeting up with a new, yet familiar face in the bar. Bob is not having a good day and Todd reveals his favorite beverage. Will Sam ever take her situation seriously? Will she wake up from this nightmare or is she doomed to pick a room and die repeatedly?
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Jake Stone performed by Mark Whitten
S2E4 – “Weird Day, Huh?”
Bob expresses a painful memory of sorts after Samantha encounters a nightmare within a nightmare. The Church of the One makes its proclamation. Todd shares further insight on the situation in which they seem to be stuck. All hell breaks loose in The Grey Rooms. Brace yourself.
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Jake Stone performed by Mark Whitten
Jackie performed by Allison Brandt
Reverend Hicks performed by David Cummings
The Warden performed by: Jason Wilson
S2E5 – “Let’s Go to the Tape”
Are you prepared for another haiku? Bob thinks Samantha deserves to hear a new one. He also reveals a truth to her that she might not deserve to hear. Elevator music is discussed and the passage of time is debated. Plus, Todd has a present for Samantha.
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
S2E6 – “Chores” *
Memories begin returning to Samantha at an alarming rate, but she still has trouble grasping the bigger picture. The Church of the One strikes again and leaves death in their path. God is good. God is great. Samantha searches for the humanity left in herself, much to Bob’s chagrin. Todd continues being Todd and shows off his new companion.
*Warning: This story contains a brief scene involving a violent hate crime. Listener discretion is advised.
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Reverend Hicks performed by David Cummings
The Boy performed by Elie Hirschman
Davis performed by Jason Wilson
S2E7 – “Out of Order”
Todd tries to reason with Samantha about her predicament in The Grey Rooms and lets go of a bit too muchinformation. After Samantha approaches an old face once again at the hotel bar, Bob announces that the elevator is broken. Samantha must now endure her own cliché of a horror movie as she ascends the stairs… cue the blinking light bulb…
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Jake Stone performed by Mark Whitten
The Warden performed by Jason Wilson
The doctor performed by Graham Rowat
Erica performed by Erin Lillis
S2E8 – “Historical Baggage”
Samantha continues with her earnest and cheerful disposition, even after Bob indulges his true feelings for all of humanity. Another memory also resurfaces and Samantha realizes her true worth to the Church of the One. Todd jokes about the physics of elevators and how best to get them repaired…
Written by Brian Black
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Reverend Hicks performed by David Cummings
Raymond / Davis performed by Jason Wilson
Jackie performed by Allison Brandt
S2E9 – “Pour Me A Drink”
Who exactly is Jake Stone? Samantha learns the painful truth as Jake realizes he’s only half the man he thought he was… Bob explains the pecking order of the hotel as he makes sense of The Warden’s actions. Todd gets put in his place. Oh, and the elevator works again. *ding*
Written by Michael Zenke
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Jake Stone performed by Mark Whitten
The Warden performed by Jason Wilson
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
S2E10 – “God is Good”
Another memory surfaces and The Church of the One makes its final stand. Samantha realizes why she is in The Grey Rooms. Bob plays bartender while dispensing advice. And a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, unless its name was Todd. Shame on you, Todd.
Written by Michael Zenke
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Reverend Hicks performed by David Cummings
Davis performed by Jason Wilson
S2E11 – “My Dinner With Bob”
Samantha awakens in an unexpected place. Bob is showing signs of stress as he allows her to experience a reward of sorts. Todd surprises everyone with his culinary skills. Samantha longs to escape and Bob longs for pizza. Small talk is not easy at this table.
Written by Michael Zenke
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
S2E12 – “Unity”
Samantha is finally confronted by her worst enemy: herself. She hones her newfound skills as Jake Stone appears and makes a last effort to bring her out of The Grey Rooms. Bob is listening to his tapes again. Todd can’t wait to press the up button.
Written by Michael Zenke
Samantha performed by Sarah Thomas
Todd performed by Alistair Mackey
Jake Stone performed by Mark Whitten
Bob performed by Graham Rowat
Brian Black / Michael Zenke – Season 2 Narrative
Jason Wilson – Executive Producer, Host, Audio Engineering, Sound Design, Actor
JM Scherf – Musical Composition, Performance
Graham Rowat – Associate Producer, Social Media, Actor
Cassie Pertiet – Episode Artwork, Web Design
Brooks Bigley – Social Media, Patreon, Show Notes
Hail Scherf – Videography Director
Thank you so much for listening to this compilation of our second season! That’s a wrap, the season is over, thanks for coming. We enjoyed having you. Don’t forget to stop at the coat check on your way out. Please continue to support and share this wonderful show with all your horror-loving friends.
Oh, wait… You’re still here? Guess there’s no fooling you. There is still more to come. Samantha’s saga has one final chapter, and it’s a doozy. Join us for our season finale in just a few weeks time.
Stay tuned, same Grey time, same Grey channel.
– The Grey Rooms Team
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A Grey Rooms Production ℗ 2020