Season 1 Ep Room

A Certain Man in Russia

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Raymond contemplates the nature of The Grey Rooms.  Plagued by his memories, he tries to lean on Bob for emotional support. 

You can probably imagine how that works out…


Written by: Brian Black

Raymond performed by: Jason Wilson

Bob performed by: Graham Rowat

Audio production & sound engineering by: Jason Wilson



A Certain Man in Russia


They say that you can’t keep a good man down.  Good or bad, some people just refuse to die.  People like…a certain man in Russia. 

Written by: Kelly Evans


Narrator and Rasputin – Alistair Mackey

The Tsarina and The Servant Girl – Sarah Ruth Thomas

Prince Felix – Max Evans

The Prince’s Henchmen – Graham Rowat

Rasputin’s Mother – Margaret Ashley

Music by: JM Scherf

Episode Artwork by: Brooks Bigley

Advertising/Social Media by: Brooks Bigley &  Graham Rowat



Our podcast is at the stage in its life where we can now start to hunt down sponsors.  If you would love to help us out, we have a link to a survey that we would like you to fill out.  It does not take very long and as far as we know it hasn’t gotten anyone crushed, maimed, or dismembered (as of writing this). So please give it a click and answer the couple questions to help us out.



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And finally…

We’ve been slowly starting to grow our community on Discord! Why not jump in and have a nice little chat with us about the show (or anything really). 

We’ll be streaming our Behind the Door live on YouTube on Saturday, April 20th (this Saturday).  It will be at 3PM EST.  Join us if you want to see Jason, Brian, Kelly Evans, Alistair Mackey, and JM Scherf talk about the show.  Our guest host this time is someone completely out of this world!

Sarah Rhea Werner is the creator of the hit audio drama, Girl in Space. She can also be heard on her inspirational podcast for writers called “Write Now.”

Join us for the usual discussion of the show, podcasting secrets, and plenty of laughs.

Thank you for supporting our show! We know you’re going to love it!